The Sad Truth Behind a Financially Stable Life
What society makes us believe
I was scrolling through Instagram reels when I came across a video.
A woman had created a skit, reenacting something she experienced when she was younger. Her parents were telling her she would need to go to school until she was 22, work until she was 40, and then eventually die.
The way she acted out the scene was humorous and she added the song “Good Life by One Republic” over the video which made it even more funny.
The relatability of the video is what makes it so funny.
We are all living the same life, trying to get by and attain some happiness.
And the way society makes us believe that we all have to go through school and end up working 9–5 to survive is sad.
In January, I quit my job in hopes of starting a successful YouTube channel. I just really needed an excuse to leave the depressing workplace. Since then, the YouTube channel has been doing well, but I need a part-time job until the channel can kick off and start paying for my living expenses.
Finding a job has been agonizing.
I have applied to over 50 jobs in my area. With only about 5 calling for interviews. The ones who have reached out to interview me either offer a minimum wage or are a long commuting distance.
Is this it to this life?
Do I need to attend school for the next 4–5 years to land a decent-paying job?
The answer is no. I will continue to be grateful for everything I have and strive for more than an 8–10 hour job. There is more to life, you just have to work towards it and never lose that entrepreneurial spirit.
With gas prices rising, tensions of war, and the cost of living climbing higher every day, it is important to have faith in yourself and God.
It will get better and you can start that business.
You can earn passive income.
You can move out of your parent's house.
You can start anything your heart desires.
Continue to be strong.