Notice Me
a short poem about a high school crush
I wrote this to enter a contest. This will be my first attempt at poetry so all criticism is welcome! Hopefully reading this isn’t too painful.
Time didn’t stop like in the movies,
You didn’t notice me,
A desk apart from you and not one glance.
I thought falling in love involved two people,
but looks like it was only me.
Through the gaps of our desk,
I would watch your shoes and admire your legs,
I know I sound like a creep.
I accepted you for all your flaws,
the ance, the chapped lips, the messy hair,
I just wish you’d notice me.
One hour and thirty minutes to watch you from afar,
I sometimes wished to reach out and touch your arm.
The day you held the door open for me is etched in my mind,
Time froze this time,
Time gave me a moment to stare into your grey-blue eyes,
A chance to get so close that I could smell the laundry detergent off your clothes,
I almost leaned to kiss you,
But I was too lost in the fact that you noticed me enough to open a door.