Money Can’t Buy You Happiness
But it can set you free financial
You wake up to the chime and subtle vibration of your phone. It is your bank depositing $1,000,000 into your checking account. Where the money comes from is unimportant, you are rich. You are happy.
In the following years, you buy two cars, a mansion, and tons of designer clothes/accessories. You have everything you want.
Nights are filled with parties, exotic drinks, and hot girls or guys.
Or, maybe you are more content with a book and a glass of wine at home.
Life is good. But after all this.
Would you still be happy?
Your immediate answer is probably, “Duh!”
Which is okay, it is perfectly fine to think this. Especially for a lot of us who aren’t financially wealthy at the moment.
But I wanted to remind everyone, that money doesn’t fix all your problems. So, if you are waiting on money to make you happy, then you are living life wrong.
Money can only set us free financially. What we choose to do with that freedom is up to us. But all the struggles that were there before that financial freedom will not disappear.
A lot of people use their newly-acquired wealth to try to chase away inner demons instead of facing them. I am guilty of this. It is so easy to try and use money to seek happiness.
But money can’t buy happiness. It can’t surround you with people who love and care for you. The happiness that money brings is temporary.
After spending and spending, you’ll lie awake at night and those same demons will remind you they haven’t left.
For those of you seeking money for happiness, please start making more time to tend to yourself. Start seeking happiness today, rather than waiting on money. If you aren’t happy now then how is money going to change that?
Now, I not saying you can’t be rich and happy. You can be, just go about it the right way.
Ask yourself, am I seeking happiness or financial freedom?